Monday 4 November 2019

EXITED this trade at cost on 5th Nov. IbulHsgFin - Call & Put strategy activated on 4th Nov 2019.

Exited this trade today on 5th Nov at cost to cost.

Hello Friends,
Today is Monday 4th Nov 2019.

IBulHsgFin is the third stock from this week's three stock recommendation i had taken position today.
Refer my weekly blog  where i have compiled the list of three shares to trade this week.
My trade position:
IbulHsgFin had given a close of 218.60 on friday 1st Nov.
28th Nov expiry series
Bought 240CE at Rs.24 and
Bought 200PE at Rs.29
My total buy cost in this option trade is
53 x 800 (lot size) = Rs.42,400

Took position in IBulHgfFin and succeeded in getting good option pricing for both.
Here are the stock charts in different time frames. 30 mins, daily and weekly chart for easy visual understanding.
You can click on the image to view in bigger size.

30 mins chart
IBulHsgFin 30 chart

Daily chart
IBulHsgFin Daily chart

weekly chart
IbulHsgFin weekly chart

I expect volatility and momentum to work in favour of this trade to make a decent profit. will update the result very soon.

Update on 5th Nov

Hello Friends, today 5th Nov i exited this trade on iBulhsgfin at cost to cost for Rs.53. no loss or no profit in trade.

1 comment:

  1. today 5th Nov I exited this trade on iBulhsgfin at cost to cost for Rs.53. no loss or no profit in trade.
